No November: Happy, Healthy and Whole

Practicing self restraint this month in order to continue to build trust within myself, maintain promises I’ve made to myself and achieve goals more quickly.

This was a phrase I’ve said before to a loved one - and I just had the epiphany that everything I say to those I love, must first be countered in me. I can’t expect this of someone unless I too am practicing this in my life. And while I’ve done a pretty good job this year, this month is all about working to be happy (taking care of my mental / soul)

healthy (taking care of my physical)

whole (committed to a well-balanced life)

what does this look like for me in practice?

It starts with daily journaling, time with Georgia and coffee on the porch and up at a decent hour.

Then getting some cleaning done or work depending on the deadline at hand.

Next up some good nutrition in my system and watching some YouTube / easing into my day.

Followed up by either a run a walk or a hike or getting into the gym for some weight training.

Always followed by a smoothie and shower.

Another work block whether that be digital, painting or work errands.

Then back to make dinner and spend time with Georgia and unwind for the night.

My weekends would look like:

Hiking, watching football, thrifting, day-tripping, spending time with friends, building forts, board games, building a fire in the backyard, porch sitting etc.

My months would look like:

Taking at least one weekend away to travel somewhere close by.

Every year I would: take a large trip somewhere big I’ve always wanted to go.

This month I will be focused on continued balance with self work, work work and life in general. I will be abstaining from alcohol until my birthday in December (allowing for a few key celebratory exceptions) and booking my Hawaii trip! I will also be finalizing my solo exhibition at Vite Vite, focusing on the brand relaunch in December, and onboarding my design associate. It’s my hope to maintain a peaceful, productive and inspiring schedule for myself this month- my hope is you do the same!

February Love Notes • Tips for Inner Beauty

WELL, I’M NO EXPERT. let’s get that on the record. Truth be told, I’m a recovering people-pleaser, avoider of conflict and stifler of my feelings and needs. I was basically a walking tissue commercial for several years, when I sacrificed my mental and physical health for the sake of my business (10/10 do not recommend).

All that being said- with the help of some amazing friends (and let’s be real, basically my life coach) I’ve been encouraged to make steps towards working on bettering myself as a person. And once you start down that journey (for me it was kicking and screaming) you don’t want to look back. Because you see the VAST difference in your overall mood, well-being, outlook on life and because of this- you show up differently in your life for other people.

I was always taught growing up to put others first, the way Jesus did. And while there is nothing wrong with that, Jesus was also not human. We are all broken and imperfect- and in order to show up as the caring loving humans he wants us to- we have to first fill up our own cup. Take time for ourselves. Say no. Say no AGAIN! Say yes to yourself, even if it’s scary or people do not understand. In short, find the thing that makes your soul excited and do more of that. Listen to your intuition.

So without any further rambling- here are some things I personally do to fill up my cup every day and try to create some of that beauty within.

begin with the right attitude some suggestions for this are limiting screentime in the morning and night to be present (and stop looking or worrying about what everyone else is doing on Instagram)

fill your mirror or a special place you go to every day in your house with your own personal affirmations. sounds cheesy but damn do they work.

find a routine that works for you and stick to it as much as possible. you’ll come to look forward to these things. your body will thank you for the sleep regulation.

Check in with yourself everyday I can’t always write a blog post or journal every day as much as I’d love to- we all know and have those days that are so busy they just escape us, but I find even on these days, I try to make myself a priority list at the bare minimum, so I don’t feel overwhelmed.

date yourself a new one for me that’s been super scary but super rewarding. finding what you love to do and doing it, without waiting on someone to go with you (whether it be a friend or significant other). You can do this whether dating, married or single- as a way to enjoy yourself and be in tune with yourself about what YOU like to do with your free time. Get dressed up, put on your favorite things whether they be shoes, that lipstick you think is “too much” but you love, that insanely cool one-of-a-kind jacket that doesn’t get enough showtime.

physically being more intentional making showers, washing your face, putting on morning and evening serums as a form of a ritual instead of a chore. Feeling the soap hit your skin, the water on your hair, feeling your fingers massage your scalp or your face. spend time just being there and focusing on how good it feels in that moment.

working towards a banging body enjoy the process of working out knowing you’re doing something that’s going to benefit your mental state of being right in that moment, and your physical appearance down the road will be a direct reflection of your hard work and dedication to YOURSELF. Let that sink in! And OWN THAT because you worked for it!

February Love Notes • Gratitude List

Whenever I am having a difficult time looking forward to the next day or life ahead of me, I always find solace and comfort in writing out what I’m thankful for. It always grounds me and provides such a great perspective- that there’s so much in life to be thankful for and so much living still left to do. Here’s what I’m grateful for at the moment:

eucalyptus showers

a fenced-in backyard

a family who would drop anything for me

a new home

financial freedom

a car that runs (and my dream car at that)

training progress with Georgia

my evening tea

a new greenway route

quality conversations with friends committed to shared personal growth

my first official hire with CKCreations

listening to soft music in the evenings

a big new bed!

quiet moments

evening craft cocktails

a healthy cooking habit

baby niece + nephew that I get to spoil

new places to adventure

my sense of style

being able to afford getting my nails and hair done.

and so many more things! we have so much to be grateful for in this life and stopping to remember helps keep us present.



The January Journal • An Everyday Checklist

an every day checklist 

✔️ wake up and take Georgia out 🌞🐶

✔️ turn on coffee maker ☕️

✔️ make the bed 🛏 

✔️ sit with morning coffee and journal

✔️ make to-do list 📝

✔️ watch YouTube

✔️ clean something 🧼

✔️ work out 💪🏻 

✔️ shower / morning skincare 🛀

✔️ eat a light breakfast 🍳 

✔️ start work for the day

✔️ play with Georgia 🐶

✔️ run errands 💃🏼

✔️ catch up with friends

✔️ finish work

✔️ make dinner 🥗

✔️ watch current show or movie

✔️ wind down for bed 😮‍💨

✔️ evening skincare 

✔️ night time tea 🍵 

✔️ read current book

✔️ night night 🌝

The January Journal • 2022 Moodboard

I am a BIG BELIEVER in manifesting what you want and then allowing the universe to bring it to you. I must admit, I am a convert. I used to think it wasn’t real or it was lame or cheesy and now I’m like- I will sing and dance and jump up and down on one foot and spin around in circles with my vision board if it means more things come true. I’ve personally experienced several of the things on my board coming to fruition and now I’m all aboard! So, I’ve been making both digital and physical vision / mood boards for the last two years now and I highly recommend doing both! Without further adieu, here is my 2022 moodboard (or at least what would fit in this template I made). I’d love to see yours! I’d also love to know if anything comes true for you.

Another note while I have you- just want to say, the reason why these work is not because you make them and then do nothing. No. That’s not it. Not the answer. If you physically make one and put it somewhere you can see it everyday, you start subconsciously (and consciously) moving in the direction of those dreams and goals and making decisions in alignment ✨ and before you know it- BAM! you’re leveling up and seeing these beauties come to life! So, I’m going to live the life I want and deserve and dream about- and you should to!



The January Journal • things to do more of

These prompts will in no way be in order and who’s to really even say all of them will get done? But I’m starting here and I’m starting and again- I’m here to remind you that’s ALL that matters!

things in my life I want to do more of: as a reflection from last year, these are some things that genuinely brought me joy.

journaling + blogging (obvi)

saving money

working out

training Georgia

morning / evening skincare

becoming good at something new

teaching others my craft

singing and playing my instruments


day trips or weekend trips

creating anything

solo dates





watching football / learning more about the game, my team and my players

nightly reading in bed with hot tea

hiking + outdoor adventures

card games

belly laughs

clean eating

staying organized

weekly cleaning

interior design / house projects

vintage thrifting and reselling / rehoming

unplugged days and weeks

old movie nights

getting a fresh set of nails

getting all dressed up for me

Looking forward to doing more of these activities in 2022 and making time for the things I love!

ciao for now,


7 for 7 • allowing space

This week’s theme is about allowing things the space: space to grow, decluttering old thoughts, ways and physical spaces in order to make way for new, positive things to come.

To be very blatantly honest - I used to hate change. I used to try to run from it at all costs. I attribute this to my sentimentality and my love for experiences. What I didn’t realize - is things always change - and if you’re proactive - you can allow them to change for you for the better. There will ALWAYS be road blocks - it’s not what we face it’s how we face it and how we deal with them that allows us to grow.

So this week- I’m allowing space- for the new and the beautiful things to come (she says sitting beside her bedside table full of her plants 🌱 🪴) .

Here are some key ways I will be incorporating this theme and being mindful of my space:

Cleaning out my closet / storage

donating items to thrift store and allowing just 1 thing to come home with me as a reward

decluttering my mind - brain dumping thoughts emotions and to-dos into my journal

upleveling CKCreations with a mindfulness Mastermind with Katelyn from Gift Muse: we will be incorporating this method once a month to insure we are both experiencing growth / and making the most of our services / time and potential. - particularly excited for this day because I desperately need to organize CK systems to make way for a part-time worker!

taking space / time for myself to rest with humans (and dogs) that truly feed my soul. (Hint: they all live in the small town of Wendell.)

Allowing space by taking it slow. Exploring and nurturing. Hitting reset. Enjoying the very present. Enjoying live music and the littlest of things like my feet on the pavement and the breeze on my face.

if you join me this week - let me know! Leave me a comment or shoot me a DM. I’d love to know how you’re connecting back to yourself and taking space.