I am a BIG BELIEVER in manifesting what you want and then allowing the universe to bring it to you. I must admit, I am a convert. I used to think it wasn’t real or it was lame or cheesy and now I’m like- I will sing and dance and jump up and down on one foot and spin around in circles with my vision board if it means more things come true. I’ve personally experienced several of the things on my board coming to fruition and now I’m all aboard! So, I’ve been making both digital and physical vision / mood boards for the last two years now and I highly recommend doing both! Without further adieu, here is my 2022 moodboard (or at least what would fit in this template I made). I’d love to see yours! I’d also love to know if anything comes true for you.
Another note while I have you- just want to say, the reason why these work is not because you make them and then do nothing. No. That’s not it. Not the answer. If you physically make one and put it somewhere you can see it everyday, you start subconsciously (and consciously) moving in the direction of those dreams and goals and making decisions in alignment ✨ and before you know it- BAM! you’re leveling up and seeing these beauties come to life! So, I’m going to live the life I want and deserve and dream about- and you should to!