One Year • My Wellness Journey

This has been a really hard one to sit down to write. First, I want to say- this is not a “weightloss story”. This is not a “before and after” post about how I lost 12394848 lbs and how YOU CAN DO IT TOO IF YOU JUST BELIEVE. This is my story about how last year I made a commitment to myself to show up for myself on all fronts: mind, body and soul. For a people pleaser and for someone who’s used to putting everyone’s needs first- this was no easy feat. This was a total transformation of the mind. I can honestly say, I’m not the same version of myself I was when I started it. To be frank- I was allowing my life to run me and granted we were all a little haywire around this time last year. But I knew there were certain things in my life that I wanted to accomplish and I knew the road I was on was not going to get me there.

It started with simple every day walks - walking to the bridge and back - that was my goal. Then walking to coffee on my “off days”. I slowly started to include a better diet and a more “mindful” approach to the way I was living.

Once I started putting energy back into myself it made it easy to make other choices in the same nature: eating well, hydrating, and wanting to take the next steps in my life. I was showing up well for myself first so I could show up better for others.

What started as a simple addition to the daily routine transformed my life and my way of thinking. Now when I look through this lens on life- I see opportunities to grow, instead of chances to fail. When I look in the mirror- I see the strength my body has that was found bit by bit- and my outward physique is an representation of my inward strength and dedication to myself.